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Results for David Steed

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
handicap February,2008 David Steed 53 241 Tiger Trophy View
RS200 August,2011 David Steed 43 159 TridentUK RS200 Nationals View
RS200 October,2007 David Steed 43 100 Inlands View
RS200 August,2007 David Steed 25 127 Nationals View
RS800 November,2012 David Steed 23 27 RS End of Season Championships - RS800 Fleet View
RS800 October,2006 David Steed 22 32 Inlands View
RS200 August,2012 David Steed 21 87 Noble Marine RS200 National Championships 2012 View
RS800 August,2007 David Steed 19 53 Nationals View
RS200 August,2008 David Steed 18 136 Nationals View
RS200 October,2010 David Steed 14 98 Inlands View
RS200 October,2012 David Steed 12 60 RS200 Inland Championships View
RS800 August,2014 David Steed 11 33 Volvo Noble Marine RS800 National Championship View
MUSTO SKIFF November,2017 David Steed 10 32 Inlands @mustoskiff View
RS800 July,2014 David Steed 9 18 Weymouth Dinghy Regatta 2014 - RS800 View
RS800 July,2014 David Steed 9 18 RS800 Grand Prix View

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