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Results for David CONLON

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
49ER September,2011 David CONLON 12 13 National Ranker View
Mirror September,2005 David Conlon 13 46 Southerns View
49er September,2012 David CONLON 13 20 49ers and 49erFX September National Ranker 2012 View
Mirror June,2009 David CONLON 13 33 Nationwide Championship 3 View
RS200 November,2014 David Conlon 14 27 RS200 End of Seasons View
49ER October,2011 David CONLON 14 17 RYA Olympic Classes Ranking Series 2 View
Mirror April,2006 David Conlon 14 44 Easterns (Nationwide 1) View
Mirror January,2007 David Conlon 15 16 2007 Worlds Team (automatic places) View
Handicap October,2010 David Conlon 16 30 Endeavour Trophy View
Mirror October,2006 David Conlon 16 40 Selden Mirror Nationwide Series View
Mirror August,2007 DAVID CONLON 17 65 English Braids Nationals View
RS800 July,2014 David Conlon 18 40 Gill RS800 European Championships View
Mirror January,2007 David Conlon 18 54 2007 World's Qualifier View
Mirror July,2005 David Conlon 22 42 Inlands View
Mirror August,2004 David Conlon 22 55 Inlands View

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