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Results for Dan Treloar

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
RS300 June,2013 Dan Treloar 7 8 Boll RS300 Sprint Championships - Silver Fleet View
RS300 June,2016 Dan Treloar 10 14 RS300 Southerns View
RS300 December,2013 Dan Treloar 11 13 RS300 Winter Championships View
RS300 June,2014 Dan Treloar 12 13 RS300 Southern Championships View
No Selection July,2014 Dan Treloar 14 15 Weymouth Dinghy Regatta 2014 - Fast Fleet View
RS300 November,2016 Dan Treloar 14 24 Inlands @RS300 View
RS300 March,2016 Dan Treloar 20 28 RS300 Spring View
RS300 September,2016 Dan Treloar 20 27 Nationals @RS300 View
RS300 August,2014 Dan Treloar 27 36 RS300 Nationals 2014 View
Handicap January,2015 Dan TRELOAR 70 235 Bloody Mary View
No Selection January,2015 Dan TRELOAR 71 89 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy 2015 - Singlehanded Fleet Final Results View
Handicap January,2015 Dan TRELOAR 71 89 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy 2015 - Singlehanded Fleet View
Handicap January,2014 Dan TRELOAR 93 128 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy, GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series - (single and double handers) View
No Selection February,2014 Dan TRELOAR 615 835 GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series Overall View

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