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Results for Coco BARRETT

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
No Selection February,2014 Coco BARRETT 714 835 GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series Overall View
Handicap January,2014 Coco Barrett 244 285 Bloody Mary View
TOPPER May,2015 Coco BARRETT 103 153 Topper Inlands View
TOPPER March,2015 Coco BARRETT 93 144 Topper 5.3 - National Series 3 View
TOPPER May,2014 Coco Barrett 74 88 28th RYA Eric Twiname Championships - Topper View
TOPPER August,2016 Coco BARRETT 49 88 Topper Nationals @gbrtopper View
Topper June,2013 Coco BARRETT 49 53 Sailing Solutions Topper 4.2 Nationals and National Series5 View
LASER RADIAL March,2019 Coco BARRETT 47 69 Radial Q @LaserPerform View
TOPPER May,2015 Coco BARRETT 43 81 Eric Twiname Championships 2015 - Topper View
Handicap January,2019 Coco BARRETT 36 240 Bloody Mary @GJWDirectUK @SeldenMasts View
No selection January,2006 Coco Barrett 35 39 South East Traveller No. 10 View
TOPPER April,2016 Coco BARRETT 30 151 Topper Inlands View
LASER 4.7 May,2017 Coco Barrett 30 49 RYA ET Laser 4.7 View
LASER 4.7 September,2017 Coco BARRETT 29 40 Laser 4.7 Open View
LASER RADIAL August,2020 Coco BARRETT 29 49 ILCA 6 Nationals @IntLaserClass - GOLD View

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