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Results for Clive EVEREST

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
No Selection February,2014 Clive EVEREST 162 835 GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series Overall View
RS800 July,2014 Clive Everest 38 40 Gill RS800 European Championships View
Handicap June,2016 Clive Everest 20 39 Bev Moss Memorial Pursuit Race View
RS400 June,2017 Clive Everest 17 41 Open RS400 View
cherub August,2015 Clive Everest 13 17 Cherub Nationals View
cherub November,2012 Clive Everest 11 15 Cherub Inland Championships View
Handicap December,2013 Clive EVEREST 5 104 Datchet Flyer View
cherub April,2014 Clive Everest 5 9 Cherub Open View
cherub September,2016 Clive EVEREST 5 19 Cherub Nationals View
No Selection August,2012 Clive Everest 5 52 Cock Of The Harbour Pursuit Race View
RS600 August,2018 Clive Everest 4 29 RS600 Nationals View
cherub October,2015 Clive Everest 3 10 Cherub Inlands View
cherub August,2014 Clive Everest 1 18 Cherub Nationals View

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