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Results for Christopher Matthews

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Mirror July,2006 Christopher Matthews 41 109 European Championships View
Mirror July,2006 Christopher Matthews 14 124 UK Nationals View
Mirror August,2006 Christopher Matthews 12 36 Selden Mirror Nationwide Series View
Mirror September,2006 Christopher Matthews 13 45 Inlands - Selden Nationwide 5 View
Mirror October,2006 Christopher Matthews 13 96 Selden Mirror Nationwide Series View
Mirror January,2007 Christopher Matthews 26 54 2007 World's Qualifier View
Mirror August,2007 Christopher Matthews 15 65 English Braids Nationals View
Handicap February,2010 Christopher MATTHEWS 66 176 Rutland Challenge for the John Merricks Tiger Trophy View
29er April,2010 Christopher MATTHEWS 8 30 RYA VOLVO YOUTH NATIONAlS View
29ER April,2010 Christopher Matthews 13 25 Harken Grand Prix View
No Selection January,2012 Christopher MATTHEWS 412 575 sailJuice Global Warmup View
Handicap February,2012 Christopher MATTHEWS 107 155 THE RUTLAND CHALLENGE FOR THE JOHN MERRICKS TIGER TROPHY (overall) View
No Selection February,2012 Christopher MATTHEWS 435 610 2012 SailJuice Global Warmup Winter Series View

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