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Results for Christian Birrell

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
FIREBALL August,2015 Christian Birrell 3 107 Fireball Worlds View
Handicap January,2014 Christian BIRRELL 3 128 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy, GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series - (single and double handers) View
RS200 October,2019 Christian Birrell 4 53 RS200 Inlands View
RS200 September,2012 Christian Birrell 5 21 RS200 Gul Grand Prix View
RS200 October,2017 Christian Birrell 5 30 Endeavour Trophy View
RS200 October,2016 Christian Birrell 5 26 Endeavour Trophy @RS200Racing View
Handicap February,2014 Christian BIRRELL 6 165 Tiger Trophy - GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series View
RS200 October,2019 Christian Birrell 6 30 Endeavour Trophy @Endeavourcb View
topper xenon October,2011 Christian Birrell 6 25 2011 Endeavour Trophy Championship View
RS200 October,2010 Christian Birrell 8 98 Inlands View
RS200 April,2012 Christian Birrell 8 26 Gul RS200 Grand Prix View
MERLIN-ROCKET March,2018 Christian Birrell 9 16 Hamble Warming @merlin_rocket View
Handicap January,2015 Christian BIRRELL 9 161 Oxford Blue View
RS200 August,2011 Christian Birrell 10 159 TridentUK RS200 Nationals View
420 April,2007 Christian BIRRELL 11 42 Open and Selector 1 View

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