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Results for Charlie Cumbley

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
OK May,2017 Charlie Cumbley 2 43 Spring Cip @OKDinghyGBR View
PHANTOM September,2015 Charlie Cumbley 2 47 Phantom Nationals View
SOLO July,2011 Charlie Cumbley 2 96 Nationals View
OK April,2016 Charlie Cumbley 3 65 OK Euros View
SOLO January,2009 Charlie Cumbley 3 50 Winter Championships View
SOLO October,2015 Charlie Cumbley 4 36 Solo Westerns View
OK August,2014 Charlie Cumbley 5 41 International OK Dinghy British Nationals View
No Selection January,2012 Charlie Cumbley 5 58 Steve Nicholson Trophy - Single Handed View
SOLO October,2009 Charlie Cumbley 5 65 End of Season Champs View
Handicap December,2014 Charlie CUMBLEY 6 64 Datchet Flyer View
Xenon October,2013 Charlie Cumbley 6 25 Endeavour Trophy - Day 1 View
Handicap February,2016 Charlie Cumbley 9 130 GJW Direct SailJuice 7, Tiger Trophy View
Handicap February,2017 Charlie CUMBLEY 9 130 Tiger Trophy - GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series 6 View
OSPREY March,2012 Charlie Cumbley 11 68 Exmoor Beastie View
No Selection November,2012 Charlie Cumbley 11 97 Draycote Dash - Overall Results View

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