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Results for Charlotte Bonella

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Optimist October,2006 Charlotte Bonella 60 225 Volvo Musto End of Seasons - Main Fleet View
Optimist May,2007 Charlotte BONELLA 62 86 European Qualifiers View
Optimist September,2004 Charlotte Bonella 64 83 Poole Youth Open - Optimist Main Fleet View
Topper October,2008 Charlotte BONELLA 65 140 Craftinsure National Series 5 View
Topper April,2008 Charlotte BONELLA 65 196 Craftinsure Nationwide 1 View
Optimist April,2007 Charlotte BONELLA 70 86 Worlds Selection Trials View
Optimist September,2005 CHARLOTTE BONELLA 71 120 Poole Youth Open - Main Fleet View
Optimist August,2006 Charlotte Bonella 77 266 IOCA Rankings 2006-7 View
Optimist April,2006 Charlotte Bonella 81 92 Volvo Musto Optimst World and European Selection Trials View
Optimist July,2007 Charlotte BONELLA 83 129 Nationals - Senior Fleet View
Topper September,2007 Charlotte Bonella 89 112 Craftinsure Topper Nationwide - Sunderland View
Optimist September,2005 Charlotte Bonella 96 281 IOCA Squad Selection Rankings 2005 - Overall View
Mirror July,2006 Charlotte Bonella 99 124 UK Nationals View
Mirror July,2006 Charlotte Bonella 100 109 European Championships View
Optimist May,2005 Charlotte Bonella 103 232 Volvo Musto Optimist Inland Championships 2005 Main Fleet View

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