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Results for Ben GRAY

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
OPTIMIST May,2010 Ben GRAY 29 94 Inlands - Regatta Fleet View
Optimist September,2011 Ben Gray 11 21 Optimist RYA South West Zone Championships 2011 View
No selection September,2011 Ben Gray 11 33 Topper RYA South West Championships View
No Selection April,2012 Ben Gray 15 38 KSSA Regatta View
OPTIMIST May,2012 Ben GRAY 33 54 26th RYA Eric Twiname Championships - Optimist Fleet View
OPTIMIST May,2012 Ben GRAY 86 224 Volvo Gill Optimist Inland Championship View
Optimist September,2012 Ben Gray 3 23 RYA SW Zone Championships 2012 View
OPTIMIST October,2012 Ben GRAY 50 208 Volvo Gill Optimist End of Season Championship - Main Fleet View
OPTIMIST July,2013 Ben GRAY 64 110 Volvo Gill Optimist British National and Open Championships - Main Fleet Senior View
Optimist September,2013 Ben GRAY 2 16 RYA South West Zone Championships 2013 View

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