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Results for Blythe BERRY

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
OPTIMIST March,2014 Blythe BERRY 45 82 Volvo Gill Optimist Spring Championships - Silver Fleet View
RS FEVA May,2017 Blythe Berry 46 56 Nationals Gold @RSFevaUK View
OPTIMIST August,2014 Blythe BERRY 47 72 Optimist Nationals - Junior Silver Fleet View
OPTIMIST June,2014 Blythe Berry 54 82 Harbour Chandlers Optimist Open - Main Fleet View
OPTIMIST June,2014 Blythe Berry 54 82 Harbour Chandlers Optimist Open - Main Fleet View
OPTIMIST September,2013 Blythe BERRY 56 92 RYA South Zone Championships 2013 - Optimist Main Fleet View
RS FEVA June,2016 Blythe Berry 57 72 Feva Inlands View
RS Tera June,2013 Blythe BERRY 57 72 Zhik RS Tera National Championships - Sport Fleet View
OPTIMIST May,2014 Blythe BERRY 68 79 Optimist Open Main Fleet View
Handicap May,2015 Blythe Berry 86 110 Glyn Charles Pursuit Race View
OPTIMIST July,2013 Blythe BERRY 100 117 Volvo Gill Optimist British National and Open Championships - Main Fleet Junior View
OPTIMIST July,2013 Blythe BERRY 100 117 Volvo Gill Optimist British National and Open Championships - Main Fleet Junior View
OPTIMIST March,2014 Blythe BERRY 129 165 Volvo Gill Optimist Spring Championships - Round Robin Fleet View
OPTIMIST May,2014 Blythe BERRY 151 210 Inlands View
OPTIMIST October,2014 Blythe BERRY 194 217 Optimist End of Seasons - Main Fleet View

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