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Results for Arran HOLMAN

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
Optimist October,2008 Arran HOLMAN 14 225 End of Season View
No Selection October,2012 Arran Holman 13 35 Iced Tankard Handicap Open View
Handicap February,2016 Arran Holman 13 130 GJW Direct SailJuice 7, Tiger Trophy View
Handicap January,2015 Arran HOLMAN 12 118 Tiger Trophy View
RS FEVA April,2012 Arran Holman 12 91 Bolle' RS Feva GP View
29ER July,2015 Arran Holman 11 52 29er GP View
Topper April,2011 Arran Holman 11 34 Middle Nene Traveller View
420 March,2015 Arran HOLMAN 11 49 420 Inlands View
RS FEVA May,2014 Arran HOLMAN 11 51 RS Feva Nationals - Gold View
Handicap December,2015 Arran HOLMAN 10 90 GJW Direct SailJuice 3, Brass Monkey View
OPTIMIST May,2011 Arran HOLMAN 9 219 Volvo Gill Optimist Inland Championships View
Topper June,2011 Arran HOLMAN 9 46 Sailing Solutions Topper 4.2 National Nationals and Sailing Soluntions Topper 4.2 National Series 4 View
CADET April,2010 Arran HOLMAN 9 66 2010 Inland Championships and 1st Indicator Gold/Silver View
29ER December,2015 ARRAN HOLMAN 8 56 29er Inlands View
Topper September,2012 Arran HOLMAN 8 171 Craftinsure Natiional Series 4 View

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