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Results for Andy Smith

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
MIRROR May,2010 Andy Smith 5 37 Nationals View
Fireball May,2009 Andy Smith 5 63 Nationals View
Mirror May,2008 Andy Smith 4 74 English Braids Nationals View
Fireball August,2008 Andy Smith 4 90 Nationals View
Mirror July,2009 Andy SMITH 4 110 Mirror Nationals View
GP14 May,2016 Andy Smith 4 34 GP14 Inlands View
505 September,2017 Andy Smith 3 87 Worlds @GBR_505 View
GP14 May,2017 Andy Smith 3 31 Inlands @GP14sailing View
Handicap February,2014 Andy Smith 3 165 Tiger Trophy - GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series View
505 July,2015 Andy Smith 3 33 505 Nationals View
505 November,2011 Andy Smith 3 20 Inlands View
Handicap January,2010 Andy Smith 3 60 Steve Nicholson Memorial Trophy - Double Handers Fleet View
Mirror June,2008 Andy Smith 2 75 Allen Brothers Nationwide Championship III View
GP14 July,2012 Andy Smith 2 10 GP14 Northern and Border Bell Open View
Mirror April,2009 Andy SMITH 2 30 Nationwide Championship 1 View

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