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Results for Andrew JONES

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
LASER October,2012 Andrew JONES 30 37 Noble Marine Laser and Standard Qualifier 6 - Laser Standard Fleet View
LASER March,2012 Andrew JONES 31 37 Noble Marine Laser Standard and Radial Qualifier 2 View
LASER September,2012 Andrew JONES 31 38 Noble Marine Laser and Standard Qualifier 4 View
LASER July,2012 Andrew JONES 31 56 UK National and Open Laser Championships - Laser Standard View
LASER March,2011 Andrew JONES 31 60 Qualifier View
LASER October,2012 Andrew JONES 32 37 Noble Marine Laser and Standard Qualifier 5 View
LASER March,2012 Andrew JONES 33 47 Noble Marine UKLA Laser Standard Qualifer 1 View
LASER March,2012 Andrew JONES 34 47 Noble Marine UKLA Laser Radial Qualifier 1 View
Laser SB3 September,2007 Andrew Jones 45 57 Nationals View
LASER August,2011 Andrew JONES 45 81 Nationals View
49er September,2001 Andrew JONES 105 134 Worlds View

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