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Results for Alex PHILPOTT

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
No Selection February,2014 Alex PHILPOTT 627 835 GJW Direct SailJuice Winter Series Overall View
Handicap January,2014 Alex Philpott 213 285 Bloody Mary View
CADET May,2011 Alex PHILPOTT 53 65 2011 Weymouth Indicator Gold/Silver View
29ER May,2014 Alex PHILPOTT 35 47 29er Inlands View
29ER August,2014 Alex PHILPOTT 30 33 29er Nationals - Silver View
29ER August,2014 Alex PHILPOTT 30 33 Zhik 29er UK 2014 National and Open Championships - SILVER Fleet View
CADET August,2011 Alex PHILPOTT 28 67 2011 National Championships Gold/Silver View
CADET April,2011 Alex PHILPOTT 28 62 2011 Parkstone Indicator View
CADET April,2010 Alex PHILPOTT 13 16 2010 Inland Championships and 1st Indicator Bronze View
CADET April,2012 Alex PHILPOTT 12 57 Grafham Cadet Inland Championships View
CADET May,2010 Alex PHILPOTT 10 13 2010 Third Indicator Bronze Fleet View
29ER November,2013 Alex PHILPOTT 7 67 Ovington Inlands Championships 2013 View
SPITFIRE April,2014 Alex PHILPOTT 6 7 RYA Youth Nationals - Spitfire View
Spitfire April,2016 Alex Philpott 4 13 RYA Youths Radial Spitfire View
CADET September,2010 ALEX PHILPOTT 3 11 RYA Volvo South West Zone Championships 2010 View

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