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Results for Jamie SMITH

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
29ER September,2014 Jamie SMITH 28 65 29er Grand Prix View
RS200 June,2017 Jamie Smith 34 48 Open @RS200Racing View
No Selection August,2012 Jamie Smith 35 52 Cock Of The Harbour Pursuit Race View
OPTIMIST May,2010 Jamie SMITH 49 61 Eric Twiname 2010 View
OPTIMIST July,2011 Jamie SMITH 59 74 Volvo Gill Optimist British National and Open Championship 2011 - Junior Gold Fleet View
RS200 August,2014 Jamie Smith 66 119 Volvo Noble Marine RS200 National Championships View
RS200 August,2015 Jamie Smith 67 75 RS200 Nationals View
No Selection May,2012 Jamie Smith 70 107 Glyn Charles Pursuit Race View
RS200 August,2016 Jamie Smith 70 97 RS200 Nationals @RS200Racing View
OPTIMIST May,2010 Jamie SMITH 95 223 Inlands - Main Fleet View
Optimist August,2008 Jamie SMITH 125 141 Regatta Fleet - Nationals View
Handicap January,2012 Jamie Smith 128 256 Bloody Mary Pursuit Race View
No Selection January,2011 Jamie Smith 128 256 View
No Selection January,2012 Jamie Smith 266 575 sailJuice Global Warmup View
No Selection February,2012 Jamie Smith 284 610 2012 SailJuice Global Warmup Winter Series View

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