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Results for James TAYLOR

Class Type Date SailorName Rank FleetSize EventName
420 September,2012 James TAYLOR 1 16 Harken Youth Regatta - 420 View
420 September,2012 James TAYLOR 3 34 420 Inland Championships View
Optimist September,2008 James TAYLOR 4 45 RYA SE Zone Championships View
420 April,2013 James TAYLOR 4 41 CurraDinghy GBR 420 Spring Championships View
420 November,2012 James TAYLOR 4 41 420 End of Season Championships View
5.5m October,2008 James TAYLOR 5 21 Champions Cup View
420 March,2013 James TAYLOR 5 38 RYA Youth Nationals 2013 - 420 Fleet View
420 April,2013 James TAYLOR 5 38 RYA Youth Nationals 2013 - 420 Fleet View
420 August,2013 James TAYLOR 5 35 420 Nationals (Gold) View
OPTIMIST May,2009 James TAYLOR 7 59 RYA Eric Twiname Championships View
OPTIMIST August,2009 James Taylor 7 100 Irish Optimist National Championships 2009 - Junior Division View
OPTIMIST May,2010 James TAYLOR 8 223 Inlands - Main Fleet View
Optimist September,2005 JAMES TAYLOR 9 56 Poole Youth Open - Regatta Fleet View
Handicap February,2013 James TAYLOR 9 208 Rutland Challenge for the John Merricks Tiger Trophy View
420 August,2013 James TAYLOR 13 48 420 Junior European Championships - Gold Fleet View

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